Electric State DarkRP Wiki


Picture of M1911 Shipment

The M1911 or the Colt 1911, is a single action, semi-automatic magazine fed, recoil operated pistol chambered in .45 ACP. It's shots are mid-range, low power, and serves as the default weapon for Soldiers and is the cheapest ranged weapon in Electric State DarkRP. This weapon is most useful when spammed. In-game the M1911 is a Pistol resembling parts from 2 different guns, as it has features from both the M2011 and the M1911.



A Shipment of M1911s created by a Gun Dealer will provide you with 8 M1911s; this will cost $3,000 and a Box of Scraps.

While a Shipment of M1911s created by a normal player will provide you with 2 M1911s and will cost you $3,000 and a Box of Scraps.

To purchase a full Shipment of 8 M1911s, you're required to use the Gun Dealer role.

Selling / Profit[]

By Hand[]

Shipment Cost Quantity Cost Per Unit Sell Price Profit Per Unit Profit Per Shipment
$3,000 8 375$ 450$ $75 $600
500$ $175 $1,400
600$ $275 $2,200
700$ $375 $1,800
800$ $475 $3,800

By Dispenser[]

Shipment Cost Quantity Cost Per Unit List Price Gain Including Tax Profit Per Unit Profit Per Shipment
$3,000 8 375$ $530 450$ $75 $600
$589 500$ $175 $1,400
$706 600$ $275 $2,200
$824 700$ $375 $3,000
$942 800$ $475 $3,800


The M1911 is a 6 hit kill weapon and deals 18 damage.

Fire Rate[]

RPS RPM Reload Speed
2 120 2 Sec

RPS - Rounds Per Second. RPM - Rounds Per Minute.


Ammo Type Mag Max Price
Pistol (.45) 8 180 $30 - (30x)